Fernando Paladini

Technology Manager

Web/Desktop/Mobile Developer


A simple web app built to quickly find jobs in Ireland. Users enter the search term and desired county, and are offered job listings from 3 of the most popular job sites in Ireland


Jobbie uses Bootstrap3 for a mobile-first layout, with jQuery for easy page manipulation. On the backend an Express/Node.js app lives on a Heroku dyno that acts as a middleware to scrape job sites and return the information to the user.

My Delivery Pal

An Android application for delivery drivers and couriers, making them faster and more efficient at their job


Delivery Pal is build with Ionic, Angular, and Firebase for real-time location tracking. Integrating with the Google Maps API for address lookup and navigation. A Node.js server hosted on Heroku acts as a middle-man, handling backend logic and database updates within Firebase


Some useful and diverse command line tools.


A command line tool that provide an easeier way to convert AAX files to MP3.

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Web Browser Extensions

Just a few lines of code can build them and that's why they are perfect for small and relaxing projects.

Quanto Custa 1 Bitcoin?

Watch the rise and fall of Bitcoin updated every minute directly from your browser!

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Contagem Regressiva UFSC

Easily check how many days you have to study until the next UFSC entrance exam.

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Marvel-DC Blocker

Block Facebook posts from your friends are related to Marvel and DC Comics universe.

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Youtube Transparent Player

Enable the new transparent Youtube player for your web browser with a single click.

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Replaces any image in your browser with a random image of Carl Sagan.

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Tools I Use